

   Imagine is quite a powerful verb.

   It sounded blissful when John Lennon sang it, but that was just one tense of the verb.

   Dictators and controllers also imagine their own version of life.

   Everyone imagines, be it positive or negative, failure or success.

   Even a dog imagines he can catch his tail if he runs fast enough in circles.

   “Imagine” has so many more facets as the Attitude Diamond it is.

   However, it’s how we choose to imagine that directs, redirects and detours the entire game of our lives.

   We can enjoy or destroy our spirit via how we imagine… and how much we buy into what others imagine us to be and do.

   If we imagine that everything that has and does occur to us is out to destroy us and our reason for being… then so it shall be.

   Or, if we imagine that every quirk in our road is there to lead us in a finer direction for our beingness… then so it shall be.

   We can imagine the humor… or the mayhem.

   Every moment and event is up for interpretation, spinning for our betterment, or a downhill spiral.

   It’s all our choice. We can imagine out of Fear and Greed, or out of Luv and humour. All choice.

   It’s so easy for us humans to complexicate simplicity when we’re bombarded with Earthian madness and media confusion and illusions. Especially in a society that keeps telling us: What’s in your bank account and material stash is more important than what’s in your heart.

   It’s often a daily choosing of which attitude I’ll imagine for the day. For me, the best morning booster is to NOT turn on the TV news and be slaughtered with all the local and world problems that I’m not prepared to resolve while still in my jammies.

   And I do not look at all the beautiful morning anchors, especially the incredibly divine Diane Sawyer, while I am still rubbing sleep out of my eyes, stumbling in to pee and then nuking a cup of coffee, unless I keep remembering: Diane has already been into hair, make-up and wardrobe for over an hour and getting paid millions to be there on time.

   My only Saving Grace for everyday is to capture at least 10 minutes every morning before the world interrupts me with it’s frantic nonsense over my nuked coffee, or the in the shower (my cosmic phone booth).

   There I chat with God and my Angels, as in:

   “OK, Gang! What are we going to do today? What’s the assignment? Cheer somebody up? Help someone laugh? Call and listen to a friend? Paint a painting? Do the laundry? What’s it all about, Alfie Angels?” Then I hush up and listen.

   After that I start counting my blessings, no matter how small they may seem.

   Like: “Thank you for the sheets I just slept on, the hot water that trinkled out of the shower, the food I have to feed my cats, the roof over my head, the quality friends who luv me and I luv, the ability to walk and see and sense… the nuked coffee & the wherewithal 2 communicate on this computer.”

   It is so easy to take what we have for granted, be it a tramp or a Trump. Each in our own way, if we only view our spiritual assets, we have soooo much to be grateful for!

   Like: True friends (tho they may be few but loyal), a roof to harbor our bodies (though it may be a one-roomer and not a mansion) and food though it may be Mac & Cheese and not Wolfgang Puck’s Take Out.

   Each in our own way, we need to deal the cards we are dealt… be it Jokers or Aces.

   The only way I survive is to return to my G.U.T. (my God U Trust) to realize why I exist and how to serve via the gifts I brought with me. Isn’t that the motivation for us all? To know why we are here?

   This is a rough chapter to write.

   I am socially defined as a Creative Lady, so why should I have problems defining “Imagine”?

   Perhaps because it is bigger than the word implies.

   For me, the word Imagine screwed up all my prior marriages beccause I imagined I could create a beautiful, luving, romantic, joyous marriage, but I married guys who imagined something else.

   No one was wrong or right. I just married my personal and opposing illusion, and married my mates’ opposing imagines, thus our spirits were already in divorce court.

   I realize I can only Imagine for myself and another who wants to play/imagine along with me.

   I cannot draft another into my imagination vision.


   Try it! Imagine the insane variations of how we all stress ourselves out via struggling another to imagine according to our fantasy of how life “ought to be” according to our vision.


   Imagine what a turn around that could occur within us if we ceased stressing ourselves out and began addressing our personal need to cause that stress, and addressed our ability to erase what we stress and what stresses us within our imaging.

   Imagine if we all up‑rooted the stress seeds and replanted them in a fertile ground of love, smiles, serenity… and cancelled our need to reprogram other’s dreams of how their life is desired to be lived .

   Imagine if we turned the stressing into a blessing of the beautiful and Godian possibilities within ourselves and each other.

   Imagine the results if we all stopped criticizing ourselves so darn much for what we assume we have or have not, or for what we assume we ought to be or become.

   Imagine if we emphasized what we spiritually DO have.

   Imagine if we highlighted and activated what the best is that we are all capable of accomplishing? Imagine:

When we lower the Stress‑O‑Meter
via Addressing What We Stress,
we are then free to elevate the Bless‑O‑Meter
within ourselves, and the others we touch
with our everyday actions, reactions,
and with the words and thoughts
we send into the atmosphere around us,
then into the global aura
of the world as a whole.

   Imagine the spiritual level we could all reach if we Let Go of how our ego, stubbornness, logic, superficial judgment, material desires, or personal issues, or perpetual critics and insult comics and relatives who base their strength on how rudely they judge us for what we ought to do and be.

   Imagine what we could accomplish if we all asked for and got the highest spiritual advice for activating our beautiful souls that God created for us to each enliven and nurture.

   Imagine the clearing upon the planet that is possible when we wake-up from the illusionary nightmare that has been created and spread by the Fear Fleas the centurial night-marish definition of Earthian success we bought as fact, rather than as a fallacy we erroneously adopted — the man-made nightmare that emphasizes mortal and material values over spiritual and evolutionary values.

   To me, we are each a Godian creation B-boppin’ along our own quest toward spiritual perfection and loving completion.

   True, how we are each setup to achieve our personal goal may not seem to follow logic, nor be readily understood by others, but the viewpoint and judgment of others may be far below the Godian Plan for our success.

   For instance, mortal logic states that riches and fame equals ultimate success. Yet, in many individual journeys it certainly does not unfold as such. Consider the lives of Christina Onasis, Elvis Presley, Howard Hughes, and others who were rich and famous, yet not personally fulfilled or happy.

   As I sense it, since riches and fame do not guarantee nor even promise happiness, so too, non-affluence and public obscurity does not equal automatic sorrow.

   In both setups, misery or contentment, inner war or peace is a matter of personal choice.

   Every conceivable arena of life is simply a pre-assigned classroom in this Cosmic College of Karmical Knowledge, a perfect venue for growth that is pre-tailored and pre-agreed upon for our individual requirements. Whether that venue is wealth or poverty, fame or obscurity, male or female, American or Ethiopian, black or white, or whatever.

   Whatever venue we're in holds the questions and answers for how and why we are here to achieve Spiritual perfection.


   For instance: rich and famous people who arrogantly use and abuse their power may not be successfully achieving their higher challenge for growth in the venues of luv and compassion.

   They may not be addressing issues they were sent here to address, such as kindness, equality, control and the worthlessness of arrogance.

   Let's also consider a poor and unknown waiter who may be here to learn the strength in humility and the value of sincere service to others.

   Though society may say the celebrity is more successful than the waiter, the Godian Growth Card may greatly differ.

   I'm not saying that stardom is a curse, or minimal wagers are all kings and queens of Karmaland. I'm just saying that we aren't privy to what we each came here to accomplish, or to what setup would best help us in accomplishing it.

   Ergo! Mortal judgment of others is junko, as no one has the greater overall knowledge of another's soular challenge and journey except God and our soular sub-conscience.

   I believe that wherever we are, whatever status level we are operating from, is just a necessary venue for our growth a setup that forces us to address what we need to stress.

   Since we are not privy to another's soular assignment — Heck! We're rarely privy to our own! — there is no way to judge another as successful or unsuccessful. And if we feel we need to judge, then possibly our judgment of others may be the primo issue we are here to address.

   With that in mind, I know my past was not dysfunctional.

   It was exactly functional for what I needed to address for what I came here to achieve. Had I arrived in a family that offered 100% liberty and loving encouragement and attention to be all I can be, I would not have experienced the challenge I was to confront.

   The challenge of denial. The challenge of mis-thinking I needed to make my happiness contingent on my ability to make unwilling others happy. Had I not entered my “spiritually perfect” setup, I would not have experienced the stress I needed to address.

   Imagine the breakthrough if we stopped ragging others for their role in our script, ceased cursing our past for what it logically seemed to serve (or not serve), and began exploring our past for what it was truly trying to serve us as a spiritual seminar.

   Not that everyone from our past was birthed simply to serve us, because life is always a double serve. We are here to serve them too.

   As my past had several seminars called Foolishness of Self‑Denial, Futility of Struggle to Make a Reluctant Other Happy and Loving and The Woes of Seeing Others Through Rosy Visors, I too served my mother a few seminars that could be called Value of Lightening Up, Happy Beats Grumpy and It Ain't Worth Bitchin', So C'mon Let's Play!

   Knowing we are all alone in this together, we have the free will choice as to how we react to each other's offering.


To learn what I was to learnt,
I was to not make my growth contingent on
another's acceptance of me, or on their acceptance
of what I am here to accomplish.

   I was also to learn: I can only live in harmony with my conscience when I cease living for the love and acceptance of arbitrary others.

   I finally understood: As long as I acquiesced to the fact that I know not what another came here to karmicly achieve nor what the best path for their success may be, I could then liberate myself from the poundage of another's judgment of my lifestyle and beingness.

   Proxy growing for another is as foolish as proxy dieting because it doesn't reduce the necessary workouts we are here to complete.

   So simple to see, yet often so difficult to comprehend when we allow logic to trick us into believing our success is contingent on converting another into achieving, loving and living our desires, dreams, lifestyles and visions.

   Possibly, it's time for us all to cash out the negative energy of the Fear Fleas and trade it up for the positive energy of our GUT Buddy.

   Possibly, it's time to wake-up from the nightmares that cause us to fear being all we can be. The nightmares that cause many to feel powerful only when they deny others becoming all they can be.

Possibly, it's simply time to wake‑up.

   As a specie, we've slept so long in a Den of Denial.

   Denial of what we are capable of achieving. Denial of the true, not the manufactured, meaning of soular success.

   I know because I snoozed for so many years.

   Imagine the level of accomplishment we could achieve if we ceased denial and woke to energize our participation in the solutions to our private challenges and global problems.

   Imagine. There are so very many areas in our lives that could be turned around once we understand that solutions are NOT the other guy's job 'cause we are the other guy.

   Try it. Imagine all the areas of life that you sense are in need of positive turnarounds. Imagine the simplest answer and activate it. First within yourself. Then for others, but only if they are open to receiving.

   Possibly, it is simply time for us all to bring the unity back into our community in a conscious manner as we do when disaster strikes.

   As I sense it, God's globe is experiencing the greatest devastation of the human spirit that it’s ever felt since its creation.

   And since we are the current caretakers, it's high time for us all to take care.

   As a giggle, I offer a song that my heart and soul wrote so as to serve a simple message: We all have the ability to positively matter, and lovingly contribute to the beautifying of our global soul. So here goes!


We gotta see it's you and me
living in a world as one
We gotta see it's all of us . . .
there's SO much fun we haven't done!

Now I don't know you and you don't know me
So how can we ever play?
…let us talk… let us share
…let's live life a brand new way!

Hearts can feel what our eyes can't see,
rainbows in rain… roots 'neath trees.
Hearts understand we're more than skin…
we are worlds to sail within…

If we all gave then we'd all have,
all the love we ever need…
If friendship's truly meant to bloom,
let's all go out and plant the seed!

We gotta to see we're family,
no matter how scary the test…
We gotta look beneath the bows,
t'find the gift of happiness!

Hearts can feel what our eyes can't see,
rainbows in rain… roots 'neath trees.
Hearts understand we're more skin,
…we are worlds to sail within…

We can't be afraid of unknown others
or let our fear take aim.
We just can't jump to guess 'n judge
...or others might do the same!

If we all gave then we'd all have,
all the love we need.
If friendship's truly meant to bloom,
let's all go out and plant the seed!
Let's all go out and plant the seed!
Let's all go out and plant the seed!

Copyright © 2004 by Krystiahn