People Quakes


   Possibly we are experiencing so many People Quakes in so many venues upon our globe, such as floods, earthquakes, fires, tornados & terrorism because there is a vital need to get our higher attention, and remind us what we are actually here to recall.

   That being:

We are all alone in this together. Alone in our personal responsibility for our spiritual growth and together in our need to recognize and serve each another as spiritual siblings.

   Possibly People Quakes occur to jolt us out of our uncomfort zones because it's time to consciously move into our spiritual zones.

   People Quakes instantly knock down mortal fences. They demolish the false barriers isolating our spirits so as to save us from further drifting.

   They seem to occur when there is the greatest need for our hearts to join and pulsate as one. So too, when our soular esteem needs to be reminded of the loving plethora of strength, humanitarianism and resiliency our spirits are capable of extending to one another and to ourselves.

   Heck! If it weren't for People Quakes, many neighbors wouldn't even know each other's name.

   People Quakes force us to tap our spiritual spunk, as well as to re-evaluate fault lines in our Earthian rationales.

   Until we are awakened by a People Quake, many who assume they're in total control of their image based on being rich and famous and powerful, or those who assume they are fated for lack because they are poor and obscure are forced by the leveler of a People Quake to realize there are no absolutes in life.

   No divisions between us other than those created by fear of the unknown and of our material illusions.

   As being privileged deludes many into believing they are above the need to care for others. So too, lack deludes many into believing they have nothing of value to serve.

   Then, a People Quake occurs and all trivial titles vanish.

   As did the 911 Quake. We all knew we are One, which is what our souls are desiring 2 live. No one wants to be alone.

   Since the fellowship of Christmas that once urged Peace on Earth, plus the need to reach out and hug one another, has been replaced with shopping mall stress and hopelessness based on fear, and since holiday love has been replaced with holiday shove, People Quakes have become the main means for breaking down our prison walls so that we'll make contact with one another, with our souls and with our higher purpose for existence.

   I offer these suggestions because People Quakes always occur when we are globally drifting apart, now more than ever, and from the spiritual reason for our individual and collective existence.

Possibly, People Quakes shall cease occurring
when the need for them to occur ceases.

Copyright © 2004 by Krystiahn