Regression Progression


   Once we accept the reality of our Continuing Soul, the Reincarnational Godian Formula for advancing our Spiritual Growth and the idea that Earth is but one Cosmic College for our Karmical Knowledge, we begin to comprehend that all occurs for the positive purpose of enhancing our attitude and tightening our connection to our Godian Source. F we choose to see the greater puzzle picture of our life.

   Many occurrences arise to stimulate memories from prior journeys of issues that we did not then deal with, and now must confront and best for our betterment — again, if we chose.

   It is another level of Cosmic Weight Loss: Dealing with issues we have waited to resolve within our beingness — possibly for many lifetimes. Shadowy ghosts of unsettled fears we have yet to understand so as to conquer.

   We carry these recalls within the archives of our soular memory banks. We never leave our Soular Home without them as they are the most vital stresses we need to address.

   Ergo! Events that stimulate emotions that we can neither logically explain nor trace to a current life cause are the challenges that, when bested, can provide us the greatest quantum leaps toward our soular completion.

   I foresee a greater use of regressionists, plus centers that shall instruct people how to regress themselves so to activate past life memories that tug on our heart sleeves due to their need to be refocused in a current light of Truth.

   Once we probe those memories to understand their actual root that now creates irrational fears and motivations, we are free to liberate our spirits from retarders.

   I have worked for years with past-life regressions and can offer enough stories to fill another book. For brevity, I'll share one story of a friend's experience.

   Since kidhood, she was terrified to leave her home. She had a regression with a visiting psychic who was not told of her dilemma.

   The lady suddenly saw herself in the early west unable to catch her breath, eyes tearing and wanting to hide. She saw herself as a little girl of a pioneer family. An ambush was occurring to her parent's cabin. She was hiding under a bed to escape the violence of a ride-by shooting. She then ran outside to find her parents and confronted the pillagers. She was captured, tortured and killed.

   She had taken that memory of terror, helplessness and violence into this life, which still affected her even though there were no pillagers surrounding her small town home.

   When she relived the event, she was able to close that chapter on her past via realizing from the overview that she was not responsible for her family's de-Earthing, nor was she at fault for that violent encounter.

   Also, by consciously re-experiencing the heavenly peace she felt on her past de-Earthing, a Home-Coming Memory she had blocked because she did not believe she earned the right to be joyous, she was able to self-peacify her spirit.

   Skeptics might say that it was all poppycock. But! After the regression, and without further counseling, she was able to leave her home and travel without hyper-ventilating from the terror of her formerly unresolved nightmare.

   Consistent results are the purest proof possible.

   People come into their current journey with a natural ability to tap their memory banks in early kidhood and do so until the restrictions of social programming cut their link via the traditional fear of seeming foolish or the false need to be mortally logical.

   My clearest way to explain our past life memory bank is to say it is akin to a massive video library holding all the tapes of every life we experienced. They're always ready for review so as to serve us needed information to assist us in our current life.

   That's why I say that my kidhood was very functional for my personal soular needs, as I was neither encouraged nor discouraged from tapping into my videos. Nor was I told by anyone that this ability was possible, but my life is evidence that it is possible.

   That is why I was able to oil paint at 7 and water color at 9, which I advanced into a long lasting career without an iota of mortal lessons. So too, I wrote, designed dolls, knew how to perform, cook, decorate, sew my own clothes, et cetera, without any outside training. I simply tapped into my past education and experiences.

   Of further evidence, since I was 7, I sung nearly all the popular World War II songs without sheet music, nor had I heard them from anyone. Plus, my earliest paintings detailed, not the violence of war, but the affect that the sorrowful, lonely waste of war has upon the human spirit.

   When I was 8, I titled one painting The Boys. It was a nighttime close up of a multi-racial group of soldiers whose faces asked the question: What are we doing in this chaos?

   Though I knew the music and painted my portraits, until several years ago, I refused to ever view a war movie. The pain was too deep. Very deep. But from where? I was born after WWII and knew no one who'd been in a war.

   Several months ago, my GUT Buddy urged me to resolve this mystery. I regressed myself by clearing my mind of all logical surroundings and asked within for a key to unlock my memory video library.

   Suddenly, I was singing Three Little Fishies, when a dark muddy, khaki vision began clarifying before my inner eyes. A vision of soldiers sitting on the ground, all smiling and looking up toward my point of view.

   I was very confused as my head would not cease these songs. As I slid into Chattanooga Choo Choo, I asked for more of the picture to be revealed. I then realized I was on stage with a traveling USO troupe entertaining “The Boys”.

   Whooah. Talk about very virtual reality!

   OK, I thought. This is nice and fun. In fact, I'm enjoying myself immensely in this rerun. Warm giggles swelled within my heart as I saw myself bring one of the young soldiers up on stage to sing him Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree With Anyone Else But Me.

   Then, literally, out of the blue, my ears were deafened by an excruciating blast. Blood, carnage, flying dirt and human limbs filled my vision. We were being bombed. I wept as the soldier on stage with me was dying in my dying arms. The pain felt hauntingly familiar.

   Immediately, I asked to know what the purpose was for those memories in my current life. I then heard from within:

   “You took on the guilt for that bombing raid. You felt you were giving your all to cheer them up, to bring them the happiness of song, dance and, most of all, love, but everyone perished. You made yourself responsible for that horror due to the enormous helplessness you felt.

    This, as well as many other past experiences in which you sought to serve love and fun, but were aborted by outside circumstances, is what has caused your resistance to go public, in this life, with what you are here to serve.

    This memory has also caused you to extend more of yourself than need be, to hang in with helpless situations by making your spiritual success contingent on the acceptance and survival of others.

    This memory is significant because now, as then, you are meant to simply give your love, by whatever creative avenue you select, then let go of the consequences and not take it as a bad review from God if the results do not turn out as heavenly as you foresee.

    Dying in that dirty hellhole, feeling totally responsible for the entire death scene, is also what caused you to write that poem in your childhood.”

   Hearing that clue, a light bulb flashed, returning me to the poem I wrote during my 8th year, exactly when I finished painting The Boys. I could never figure why I wrote it until my self-regression. The poem was:

My deeds have dug a dirty grave
and in it I must lie,
'Til fate blows gravel toward this pit,
allowing me to die.

   Bingo! An overwhelming serenity goose-bumped my system as I felt a section of my lifal jigsaw puzzle fall into place. Self-knowledge is a very comforting natural valium for the spirit.

   On the humorous side, I suddenly wanted to rent a movie I had nervously passed in a video store: For The Boys!

   On the career side, I felt as if a dirty old tether was cut from my resistance to working in a public venue. So too, I was given further information as to why I had maritally hung in with hellhole setups.

   In reflection, I knew I was always using prior life recall for my creative outletting. It was effortless and natural.

   The hook was applying it in a more personal fashion.

   I reflected on my original visions of my first husband, Joe, prior to marriage. The vision I earlier spoke of regarding his being my repressive past life brother who made me into his servant, and who was stabbed in the back by a masseuse in an attempt to lighten up the realm. And then, without being told of my vision, I remembered how Joe told me he always slept with an arsenal beneath his side of the bed for fear of being stabbed in the back.

   I thought of how we had each fallen into that past life mode in this life. He the dominating and joyless brother who made me his maid. And how it felt as an uncomfortable, but instinctive, way to operate — until I woke up.

   Then there was my vision of Joe as Elder Jonson from Salem who torched me (even though noose-ing was the sport de jour) because I painted, enjoyed life and did not buy into his righteousness. And how, without being told of this, he turned Jehovah, gathered a righteous posse for power, called my art the “work of the devil” and left me with the message: “May you burn in the fires of hell!”

   All the bells rang back then to rescue me from repeating that past life, but I wasn't picking up my messages… then.

   I do now.

   So! Imagine if we could all free our mortal logic to get more in touch with our memory bank's plethora of lifal video tapes! Imagine how we could all quicken the pace of cure for our frustrations, discovering the whys behind our self-limitations, and clearing the nightmares that hold us back from living our loving dreams to the fullest.

   Imagine what soular liberty we could experience.

   Imagine the thousands of dollars and years of time that could be redirected from shrinks who scarcely go back far enough to explore the true causation of current fears and unresolved emotions.

   Shrinks who tend to blame everything on the parents' influence. Imagine if, instead of shrinking the exploration, they expanded the probe into past lives.

   Expanded so as to understand that what may currently be happening is just a re-occurrence to remind us of unsettled issues we need to take responsibility for, and learn from so we can get on with our pursuit for loving wholeness.

   Imagine if we chose to discover the true cause of current anxieties so as delete a repeat. As I've learned:

If we do not complete we are destined to repeat.

   In such a quest, life might definitely take on a whole new jazz compared to how boring it may now seem for so many. Boring because it is not simply a rutting rerun of current life frustration, but may actually source from multiple histories.

   Indeed, The sensation of living the same-old-same-old may take on an astonishingly greater interpretation, as may the insightful cures for digging one's self out of that very redundant rut.

   Imagine if we used that method to explore our past life video library and used it as a key for entering breakthrough portals and for discovering cures for the limitations that have no current logical explanation.

   Challenges such as fear of heights, water, the dark, flying. Fear of independence, commitment, success, failure.

   When a fear has no logical root cause in this life, I’ve learned that it is most likely a memory of a past life event.

   People's fear of past life delving may be actually rooted from when they were once punished because they quested.

   Imagine if this spirit of seeking answers beyond mortal logic could be extended to kids before they join street gangs. Maybe they could then be free to reroute their path into a healthy direction.

   Who knows, possibly many of today's drive-by-shooters are reincarnated from a similar career choice (Chicago 20’s drive-bys) and by not having learned the senselessness, or karmic impact, of such a choice. They have now returned to either repeat or reform their lifal patterns. 'Tis a Thot.

   I offer these suggestions as I know how well they have worked for me. I live and breathe the liberty they granted my spirit.

   Since kidhood, my work without parental or educational influence is proof of the ability to tap into our memory bank and our Cosmic Tool Kit of Talents, if we choose.

   Further proof is my lack of anger toward anyone from my past who was uncompassionate, unencouraging or unloving. These were merely experiences for what I was here to recall and overcome for my own evolution.

   What they did with the experience is their mission — not mine. Again: It's one life to a customer per journey.

   I highly recommend the concept of regression by qualified sources, or by learning to regress thyself, because, as I sense it, the past and current methods that have been used just ain't working, they're too mechanical, impotent, and mortal.


It's time for the sleepers to wake from
the same-old-same-old.

Copyright © 2004 by Krystiahn