It Ain’t Tough
Makin’ Life Easy


   Thanks for letting me share my lifal journey concept with you that is built upon several cosmic cornerstones:

  1. I believe there is definitely and undeniably a Godian Force, an ultimate Buck-Stops-Here Power, even though it may be beyond mortal comprehension, I know it does indeed exist.

  2. The Godian Force creates all, from the purpose of the tiniest flea (to a dogs' dismay) to the intricate workings of all creatures' body systems, to the energies motivating our ability to function, to our mortal privilege of attending this Cosmic College, to our Free Will that allows us the choice of skipping or attending and learning from the seminars that have scheduled for our spiritual growth. All stuff is God created and has been on the planet since Earthian time began, as I've yet to hear of a report of new stuff being beamed from another galaxial system. Ergo! Earth may be one of the oldest recycling planets.

  3. We home on a planet that is a karmical learning center for individual and collective spiritual growth, which offers each of us unlimited chances to better ourselves, our attitudes and lifestyles via not succumbing to Earthian fears, traditional tethers and mortal logic.

  4. God makes no mistakes, though people often want to believe God does so as to justify their own mortal mistakes. God does not war, kill, commit armed robberies, corrupt our political system, rape, abuse, gossip, cheat on taxes, traffic drugs, lie in court, or play ego-fear games to degrade others. People do via Choice and the Power of Free Will.

  5. All that occurs has a purpose even though we may not instantly perceive it from our mortal vantage point.

  6. Directly or indirectly, we re-up with former classmates, students and teachers we studied with in other lives upon this and other Cosmic Colleges of Karmical Knowledge. That is why our chimes are instantly rung, lovingly or antagonisticly, when we re-up with one of these prior players - whether they are now reappearing as our parents, children, spouses, bosses, employees, friends or foes. Those chimes, chills and chagrins say there is some issue in need of completion with that other person. And it doesn't take both players to complete the circle. One can complete the intended challenge for themselves so as to get on with their life. And the player who chooses not to get it shall simply be paired with another past partner(s) until they acknowledge the growth nudge and accept it into their attitude - or not.

  7. When I hear the children are our future so we must become involved and responsible, I consider the reincarnational implications. Realizing we may all return to BE the children of tomorrow, then undoubtedly we shall reap what we sow today. Ergo! It behooves us to care for the planet, one another, and better the quality of Earthian life as it just may be our future home upon the flip-flop return visit.

  8. I believe God is the primo creative genius of geniuses (hey! might genesis be a mistranslated spelling of genius?). Ergo! Via not limiting God, I believe Earth is just one way station, one of many Cosmic Colleges of Karmical Know-ledge, one stop-off center for spiritual evolution. Sensing this to be quite true, I often giggle at the idea of NASA and governments questioning the concept of intelligent life on other planets. How would they recognize intelligence when they found it? Sort of reminds me of Columbus discovering the America that was always here with its original occupants.
    Ergo! I feel other galaxies are far more challenged than ours. Galaxies which are attuned to our media output must be quite baffled in their quest to find intelligent life on Earth. Why would intelligent galaxies even contemplate the idea of overtly visiting Earth? What's the incentive for visiting a war zone of hostile natives? It seems as senseless as planning a pleasure vacation in Viet Nam during the war. I just don't see Earth as a Galaxial resort of choice. To me, to not overtly land on such a place is proof positive of Galaxial intelligence.

  9. The God Force creates ALL, even what we term as dis-ease is a God creation, from the common cold to cancer, plus the endless list of medical challenges daring us to go beyond fear, mortal logic, anger, self-pity and traditional antidotes. To go beyond and realize our spiritual attitudes hold all our physical cures. Think about it: If we didn't know we were sick with a “fatal” dis-ease would we fatalize our spirits into giving up on living? What damages us more: The dis-ease or diagnosis filled with fatalistic prescribed fear?

  10. All that is placed in our path occurs to purify our spirits and elevate our attitudes. God does not punish us. We punish ourselves. And many do so because they believe they're not worthy of love, they believe they can't grow from their status woe, and believe they're not responsible for their happiness and success, nor accountable for their actions or reactions.

God Creates All
We Create The Response

   For centuries, Earthians have searched for the secret of life.

   I believe a major clue is held in the simplest challenge that everyone has experienced: the common cold.

   As common sense is not very common, the purpose for the common cold is best appreciated as a Godian message of what we are all capable of creating, because the answer is not as complexicated as Earthians desire.

   Easy and obvious answers are overlooked because it is hard for mortals to believe that the quest for God is so very simplistic. As it ain't easy makin' life tough, so too, for many, it ain't easy makin' the answers so simple.

   But let me retract into the medical arena which is the most obvious venue for us to cure ourselves — not with chemicals, but with our desire to effect our own miracles.

   For instance: My concept, that includes dis-ease, causes me to wonder when I hear society claim It's a miracle! when they discover a cure for a medical crisis.

   I wonder because I consider the source suggesting it was also a Godian miracle that originally created that dis-ease challenge for us to explore and conquer.

   A miracle cure, in spiritual fact, may have simply been held back from happening until we discovered not just the chemical cure (that's always been in waiting) but the spiritual reason for the dis-ease's existence.

   Until we discover why we needed the dis-ease to exist, whether as a venue to strengthen our spiritual awareness, or as a way to serve others as an example of strength, or a way to subconsciously resign from that which seemed too high a stress mountain to climb. The options are many.

   For me, all that mortally and materially causes us to be dominated by fear is simply a challenge for us to Let Go of the Earthian version of reality. Let Go so as to embrace the spiritual and powerful origin of our souls.

   And, WOW! Do we all get challenged!

   Everyday life is constantly inciting us to be ordinary, to be suffocated by Tradition that has created the violence and stress upon the planet which scares us to fit-in with some gang, even one that's traditionally focused on rebellion from Tradition.

   It's all peer pressure no matter how non-conformist it may appear.

   As long as any concept or clique is running on fear and anger, it's not headed toward God or love. It's not headed toward spiritual evolution, soular freedom nor personal completion.

   It's headed toward the hellish reruns that have centurially denied the possibility of heaven on Earth.


   Whenever friends call to tell me they're down with a cold, I ask: “So, what are you confused about? What's bugging you personally or restricting you emotionally? What's causing you to create an escape hatch from life?”

   I sense the common cold is the most profound paragon we are served to prove our spiritual powers for ourselves - if we accept it as a purifier rather than a punishment, or as a compulsory plight of being mortal.

   Because I view the common cold as a test, not a trauma, I understand why a cure hasn't been found in some lab. The cure can't be shoved into a pill because the cure is within us.

   In our mind. In our soul. In our spirit.

   I figured this out when I was a kid, a time when I simply did not have time to get sick what with all my chores and responsibilities, plus I had no one to extract sympathy from if I did give myself a cold. Ergo! I didn't have them.

   Meanwhile, kids around me would drop like sneezing flies when a major, demanding casting call occurred, or if the market for kid actors was in a dry-out spell.

   When people would say, “Don't come near! I godda a code in my doze! You'll catch it!”, I was never put off as I knew I had no reason to catch it. I never did. I still don't.

   The reverberations from that seminar echoed throughout my journey. It became a guiding light leading me toward the cosmic healing hospital within my beingness.

   By knowing I held the power to not succumb to a cold, I knew I could extend the territory of that force. And so I did by not succumbing to the negative influences of my kidhood.

   If I could resist a cold, I could resist becoming what my past ought to have turned me into, according to traditional folklore.

   I have yet to meet one shrink, out of all those I've met socially and via my volunteering with children's charities, who is not totally baffled by how I turned out, considering my past.

   I have yet to meet one art critic who can figure how I can create without any traditional training.

   I have yet to meet one philosopher who can figure how I philosophize and spiritually exist without a mortal mentor.

   But it's simple.

   I just accepted the message served by the common cold which was: When on Earth, look within, not on the shelf, for answers be it medical, moralistic, mundane or mandated.

   Not to recommend my lifestyle, nor judge yours, but I'm definitely not a health nut. Physically I thrive against all logical rules of dietary and lifestyle Tradition.

   My relationship with my body is pragmatic. I'm simply grateful I have one to get me around. My main form of exercise ranges from lancing deadlines, dancing 'til dawn, playing my congas and lapping up heaps of comedy feasts.

   My life happily happens on one late meal a day. And my 4 main food groups are coffee, pasta, cigarettes and chablis. Yet, I've been healthy for years! I haven't had a cold, the flu or any illness for many years.

   So too, I never thought of owning a scale. Heck! Why pay for stress! I simply have a perfect pair of jeans. If they fit, I hug myself, if they don't, I hug myself and ask: What stress is causing me to over-eat? I address it, wait a few days, and the jeans always re-slide on again.

   I was only ill a couple times when, in retrospect, I wanted an escape from my situation. Once I cured my sick setup, I healed.

   Once, a doctor called my healing from acute appendicitis “a miracle”. I called it dumping the boy-offend I was then dating who was draining me with his clammy depression. Having realized I had subconsciously re-donned my Ol' Cosmic Girl Scout uniform, I held no anger toward him as he was a great reminder of what I was NOT here to do.

   My streak of well being is not a boast. Nor a directive for anyone but myself. My health is simply a result of attitude. I don't need to be sick. I don't have time.

   As George Burns said: “I can't die — I'm booked!” And, look what his attitude served him, despite 15 cigars a day since kidhood, plus 9 martinis a day, supplemented with a hearty lifetime of love and laughter.

   Personally, I decided to enjoy every moment I have in this mortal body as long as my Earthian time clock is ticking. And, I sense that when I am no longer needed upon the planet, I'll go through one door or another. Whatever portal best serves the reason why I entered.

   My non-professional advice for a common cold is to ask yourself at the first sign of a sniffle, ache or sneeze:

  1. What face-off am I avoiding?

  2. What chore or responsibility am I seeking to exit with the cop-out of I godda code in by doze!?

  3. Scan your GUT Buddy for a response and listen for the calmest reply.

  4. Then, immediately and internally act upon it.

   For me, if there's a crisis or pain in the deck lurking in my cards, I face and resolve it. If I'm overburdened with too many commitments, I reorganize my schedule to emphasize true priorities. I systematically deal with the most urgent matters, and then dump the self-imposed wastes of time I handicapped my spirit with. If I'm holding in frustration or cries of UNFAIR! toward some issue, I search for it's bug-me messages.

   I then proceed to settle it, talk it out, dump it and slip a comedy tape in my ol' VCR and laugh myself to health!


I abort my need to be sick.

   It's simple. Once we remove the need to run away from the fear of facing what we are avoiding, and when we cease sidestepping our need to Address What Is Stressing us - Tah! Dah! - colds vanish!

   Once we stop buying the whopper that we're getting a cold and concede that we're giving ourselves a cold, we hop on the express to self-recovery.

   Once we discover why we want to stop the world and sneeze off and then want to do something constructive about it, we're free to dump our struggle to scale self-created ills.

   A common need for a common cold is hating a job or a relationship that feels dead-end, yet we don't do anything to scratch the itch due to our fear of risk.

   A common cold is a handy excuse to retreat from chaos.

   When we weigh our life down by struggling to either force another to live or be as we desire, or to pacify another's expectation of us (forgetting our own desires and dreams), colds become a convenient justification to self-pamper.

   A handy-dandy way to say, Hey! I matter! So ya better be nice to me, Pilgrim, or who knows what I'll give myself next!

   Whenever I hear the flu is going around, I sense there's a lot of frustration and need for escape or change in the air.

   For instance, the yearnings for newness that a change of seasons creates, seem to simultaneously create rashes of Spring colds. Usually in those fearing their ability to risk the change their heart's Little Voice, their GUT Buddy, is urging them to pursue.

   The dis-ease of the flu also seem to race rampant after earthquakes, flood quakes, emotional loss quakes, family feud quakes, any people quake that shakes us from lethargy to gear us back upon our Godian Track.

   Though it's traditionally accepted to write colds and flues off to fluctuating temperatures, fluctuating temperaments is more accurate.

   Sure, this reason may be buried in the subconscious, but that doesn't eclipse our ability to shed light upon our own cause for our dis-eases, or cancel our power to pull ourselves together as keen, clean, enlightening machines!

Whatever we can cause we can cure.

   Give my theory a try! At the next sign of a cold be un-common!

   Don't run for the medicine chest. Rather, explore your heart quest. Ask yourself: Why now?

   Examine your life to discover why you need a cold. And what reaction are you hoping your dis-ease shall effect in others. Pity? Less demands? A release from chores? What?

   Ask yourself: What confrontation is a cold helping you sidestep? Is it a showdown with your boss? Your spouse? Your mother-in-law? Your IRS auditor? Your job interview?

   Is it an effort to be appreciated, a reaction that you suspect only your absence might trigger? Is it a scheme to draw the empathy and compassion from those people who do not freely extend love on a regular basis?

   Is your dis-ease a withdrawal from your next step in life?

   Is it a way to avoid admitting you're buried in a sand pit you want out of, but rather than say so, you're opting for the socially accepted escape of a cold?

   Is it a way to call time out on a major crossroad you're faced with, but are afraid to be responsible for your choice?

   What STRESS are you waiting to ADDRESS?

   Only you can answer for you by discovering what you are hoping your dis-ease shall release you from, and what you hope it shall evoke in others.

   Ask why you think you need their reaction. Then ask yourself: Is it worth it. Then listen for the calmest reply.

   To me, the cure for a common cold is self-examination of what's bugging us, what's causing us to create an avoidance, or a stall from activating a solution to some challenge that our GUT Buddy is hoping we shall energize.

   Once we see how this strategy works with common colds, we can see how it applies across the board with all the dis-eases available to us, if and when we choose to need them.

   And this world holds a vast selection of dis-eases. Nearly one or more for every fear we can manifest depending on how long we wish our furlough to last.

   To me the secret for good health is a happy attitude. It's our conscious need to not be sick, and our conscious surrender to activate our natural spiritual powers.

   Why not give my idea a shot that doesn't hurt, and that costs less than penicillin!

   If you're honest with yourself and act upon what you hear, you'll no longer need to sneeze to hear “God bless you!”

   You'll know you're blessed in your strength and ability to face and handle any hurdle life plants in your path.

   Relieve It or Not!

   Consider that doctors even admit to witnessing miraculous cures in people who want to be healthy, as well as others who hasten their demise due to focusing on death. Many don't understand it, but they can't deny the power of the spiritual will.

   This makes me ponder current dis-eases and how they seem to have popped up out of life's toaster, as if they'd been beamed to Earth on some overnight stress express.

   If they indeed always existed, then possibly ignorance was bliss. Possibly by discovering the killers but not the cure, people who accept the implied death sentence within them have created a predisposed attitude to surrender to fear.

   Possibly many had those dis-eases before their overnight discovery, and via their life de-stressing on an everyday basis, their attitude improved and their need to retreat vanished.

   Thus, they effected their remission without being aware they had anything to remit from.

   As to a common cold, it may indeed be the commonest sampler to recognize that our greatest challenge on Earth is learning to perceive beyond the obvious conclusions cloaking every event in our life, from dis-ease to all the emotional combustions such as divorce and sudden unemployment.

   Every seeming disaster that trips unto our path offers us chances to breakthrough the blockades of Traditional Logic.

   Every weakening setup holds the potential to strengthen our spirits.

   Every debilitating setup empowers our aversion to accepting disability as the way life has to be lived.

   Every stonewall we slam into appears in our path to force us to investigate optional portals.

Opportunity Is Commonly Disguised as a Setback

   Kidhood is another great and simple tipoff, as once we are born, life shows us we have no control over that which is out of our control, meaning nearly everything — except for the attitude we choose to use for handling that which greets us at birth.

   We then attend our 1st seminar in the power of attitude and how it governs whether we're happy or sad, whether we blame or bless our past or use it as a springboard or scapegoat.

   Whether we lock ourselves in our own whine cellar or pardon ourselves to explore and activate our personality and potential.


   All that confronts us from entry until de-Earthing occurs for the soul purpose of self-improving our attitude.

   Think of it. Until 18, or earlier for some, we live amidst the physical, geographical and emotional control of those whose lives we entered.

   Nearly every circumstance in our early life is pre-scripted, including, who our associates are, how they treat us, what our bedtime is, what we're served to eat, the schools we attend, and whether those we call parents shall be adoring or abusive, nurturing or negligent, loving or lethargic.

   Our attitude reaction to our initially uncontrollable setup is a powerful exercise that serves us throughout our journey.

   Kidhood shows us, over and over, that attitude is the only territory we can control. Unfortunately, many young girls misread this verity, and rather than controlling a healthy and creative attitude within their beingness, they self-abuse their power of free will by giving themselves anorexia. If only they would comprehend:

    Since they're in control of the awesome power they have mis-used to effect their own living death, they equally have the awesome ability to redirect that power to effect a living re-birth for their spiritual beingness and their physical health.

   The caliber of our awareness is centered upon how deftly we learn to comprehend, condone or cancel each sweet treat or assaulty stew, plus the devil or angel food quake that's served to us at life's cafe.

   The most wacky and wonderful dishes are constantly being brought to our table. Our responsibility is to reject or ingest.

   To taste only toxins, or savor only the tasties.

   Again, all choice. All attitude.

   In many respects, it's also easy for me to see Earth as a series of cosmic game shows, such as You Bet Your Soular Life, Total Truth Or Karmic Consequences, Reel of Fortune and What's My Life … & Cosmic Jeopardy.

   Game shows where the only contestants we vie against are our fears dressed as resistance to change and growth, and resistance our ego uses to stunt us in its desire to be right.

   And — WOW! — can the ego get righteous in its hunger for victory, despite the fact it is the least knowledgeable aspect within us which can fully appreciate the spiritual ramifications of what's actually occurring.

   Genuinely desiring to discover the reason WHY we are in each setup is the quickest way to de-stress ourselves and advance to the next grade in this Cosmic College.

   And just like a kid in any school, if we refuse to learn, we don't get to graduate.

   In fact, I think that's the greatest spiritual lesson formal schools offer students, though most overlook it due to our GUT Buddy being drowned by society's urge to be logical.

   But what a challenge! To see that success, or lack of it, kindergarten or high school, ghetto or plushy suburb, runt or beanpole, a functional or dysfunctional clan, it is all nothing more than a venue for us to learn and serve.

   Ergo! When one feels stuck in their scenario, they may need to examine what stuck is seeking to teach. Especially, when logically they've done all they can to extricate themselves from their stuckiness.

   When one has done all they can do to enter a door they believe is their destiny, and it ain't budging, possibly it's time to re-examine their soular building plan.

   Since frustration is the clearest signal that it's time to tap into the higher spiritual reasons for what is illogically thwarting us, possibly our frustration durations could be shortened based upon how quickly we face and understand the greater awareness those frustrations are seeking to serve us.

   By addressing my stress in this manner, the passages of my life rerouted so quickly that nothing lingered in a rut and why I hold no anger toward anyone.

   I even thank the past people who screwed me in terms of how I was valued because they illustrated it was my job to acknowledge my worth — not theirs. And no one would ever value me beyond the value I gave myself.

   I even acknowledge my past abusers for they indirectly showed me it was my job, not theirs, to place the value tag on me.

   To acknowledge them is not to forgive them. The forgiveness issue is not mine to absolve. That's God's job.

   I simply thank every experience, even my bag lady treks, as they offered needed pieces to the puzzle called: ME.

   They gave me opportunities to blossom, not to blame nor bitch. My life has proven to me everything has purpose — if we sense it. If we stop and smell the poses.

   Every fabrication in life has a moral waiting to be read — not traditionally rationalized.

   For instance, it's easy to get into one lousy relationship after another and blame the other person. Blame the failings of the other sex. It's easy for women to conclude their fate only delivers junk male.

   But as that's not the answer, only the traditional rationale, junk male deliveries keep on comin', only the outer envelop changes with each repackaging.

   I know that to be true.

   My early life blared a homing signal for one junk male flier after another. For a time, I sought to balance life by straying too far in the other direction. I didn't blame fate. I blamed my unworthiness. I figured something had to be wrong with me when I was unable to locate and create a good relationship with the ones I was with.

   Ego wanting to have made a perfect choice, I refused to see I had leaped into an incompatible manstream. I was not seeing that since I had leaped for the wrong reasons, my only options were to think or swim.

   When I chose to probe beyond traditional answers, the cure dawned like a blustering tornado over the misty hills of my denial.

   I would continue to re-sign myself up for more frustrating go-nowhere situation ships as long as I resisted reading the signals those setups were urging me to read.

   By assessing the billboards in frustration junction, I saw why I allowed junk male deliveries into my life. I thought I was only of value if I chose the most needing guy with the most desperate family, financial and career challenges, then became his Cosmic Girl Scout so as to right the wrongs of his circumstance.

   I freed myself once I emotionally asked for the deliveries to be canceled. Once I mastered that puzzle, I insured my name not showing up on another mock male-ing list.

   As I see it, life is proof positive that we are all constantly in the process of assembling our own giant jigsaws on a daily piecemeal level.

   Every single piece, no matter how seemingly trivial, holds a vital clue to every riddle we are faced with, to every question we ask, if we dare to risk seizing and examining that triviality for where it applies for our betterment, our individual growth and self-comprehension.

   And dare to risk is the operative phrase.

   But then, why not?

   Considering the middle word in RISK is IS, the only thing we have to lose by facing our fear is the loss of our fear.

   What a colossal upscale trade-off!

   Indeed, It ain't tough makin' life easy once we decide that is how we desire to live it, and then let our GUT Buddy be our tour guide.

   Once we comprehend and accept that we are worthy of allowing God to enter our Heart Suite as a co-habitator and roommate of our spirit then nothing is beyond our ability to beneficially resolve and spiritually achieve.

   No wrong is beyond our power to right, from the personal dis-ease of the common cold to the social dis-eases of the violence and prejudicial fears that are intimately affecting us.

    Personally and as a Specie:


   And it is all possible once we simply accept the Godian power that we're all created to access, and then consciously choose to wield that power wisely.

   The layers of infinite realities are multiplistic.

   Peelable like a cosmic artichoke so as to enter the core of understanding the purpose for our existence.

   And that multiplicity is so simple.

   All we need do is quest with an open heart and mind, and a wonderment that does not limit possibilities. Nor the higher reasons for life due to a primal fear of the unknown, plus the galaxial known we fear re-upping with because it might shake up our link with traditional folklore. Folklore we've used to back up prejudice, skepticism and anger.

   There is more plan to this planet than mortal logic has the willingness to reveal. That is why life seems not to make sense. But God is in all ways senseful.

   Ergo! I have learned that to understand the significance of life, we must awaken and elevate to the next level of questing.

   Traditional answers have proven themselves to be vapid, fruitless and therefore frustrating. And since frustration is a clue for us to seek a higher level, we need to use that spiritual curiosity to escalate our quest for heavenly answers that can be applied to daily stresses and seemingly mundane challenges.

   The more we sincerely ask for answers, without assumed skepticism, the more we open our spirits to accept the revelations that are waiting to be enlivened.

   The more we accept, the more we are served.

   The more we genuinely want to exit the Whine Cellar of Apathetic Discontent, exit so as to understand the purpose of our frustrations, the more we cease being arrested by our illusionary fears.

   Life is simply a spiritual solution seeking to be lovingly embraced.

The secret of life is that it is not a secret.

Copyright © 2004 by Krystiahn